Wishing all my Town Talk readers a wonderful holiday. I was able to get into the spirit of the season a few weeks ago at the Fox Valley Symphony Holiday Pops concert.
Updates from Grand Chute, Wisconsin, Town Supervisor Travis Thyssen. Grand Chute is Wisconsin's largest town, with a population of over 20,000, and is home to the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers minor league baseball team.
Since that time, a joint implementation committee was formed with representation from both municipalities. Joint staff created numerous detailed reports that portrayed a hypothetical budget, a sample funding formula and delineated how the governance of a merged department would function.
Elected officials on both sides have indicated that they expect a merger would include at a minimum three components listed as follows
1) enhanced services,
2) financial efficiencies or at least no additional costs and
3) a “true” merger that recognizes the importance of the departmental contributions from both communities.
During a recent meeting with Chief Walsh and interim Chief Peterson, we concluded that, realistically; a merger could not likely accomplish all three of these goals at this time.
We believe that a merger would provide nearly immediate enhanced services to both communities. This goal and perceived outcome has never been a question in our minds.
In attempting to identify financial efficiencies, we think that one of the initial assumptions used as a requirement for a merger precludes us from saying with certainty that a merger would cost the same or less than the combination of our departments financed independently.
The assumption that no one would lose their job in a proposed merger is counterintuitive and likely serves as the best source of potential savings. We are not saying that we disagree with this early prerequisite, but in our opinions the stipulation does limit our ability to be creative.
We believe that a lot has been learned through this process. In fact, we believe that it is the knowledge that we have gained that has shaped the increasing doubts for the need to proceed further with the merger investigation.
During the interim period under effective departmental leadership, the following items have been noticed:
Nevertheless, while we may be at a crossroads that casts doubt on the value of continuing the merger feasibility analysis, the process we have undertaken has revealed numerous opportunities for collaboration that can be achieved without consolidation of the two organizations. In fact, many of the strengths associated with the merger are within reach through operational collaboration. Several key areas worthy of consideration have been preliminarily identified as follows:
o A unified approach to the PSL function would ensure constant coverage in PSL absences, standardization of policies between law enforcement and the School District, Child Protective Services, etc., and enhanced information sharing
In light of these many opportunities, our joint recommendation is to transition the proposed discussion on a merger to a proposed analysis of ways that the Grand Chute Police Department and the City of Appleton Police Department can share services on an administrator defined level. Should this shift in philosophy find support, it would be advisable to consider an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two communities, in which the City has agreed to provide the Town with an Appleton Police Department Deputy Chief to act as the interim police chief. This will enable the two chiefs to fully explore the range of possibilities for such a collaborative approach toward administrative and operational policing activities.
We have also concluded that if future financial incentives for mergers become available at the Federal or State level that this issue should be reexamined at that time. The full exploration of all opportunities for collaboration between our two independent police departments would only serve to enhance renewed merger discussions should the aforementioned financial incentives present themselves.
In closing, we would respectfully request consideration of this proposal by the Grand Chute Town Board and the Appleton Common Council in the spirit of cooperation that has prevailed during the 17 months of merger feasibility research.
The FIS and the FIRMS provide base flood information, delineates areas subject to significant flood hazards within the county, and offers information public officials may use when permitting development in the floodplain.
The Open House will be staffed with representatives from various local, state and federal agencies, who will provide the most current information about flood risk, flood insurance, floodplain development regulations, and the process for floodplain mapping within Hancock County . The newly prepared preliminary floodplain maps will be on display. Once the maps become effective, these maps will be used by floodplain permit officials, builders and developers, lenders, realtors, insurance agents, and the general public to determine food risk, develop mitigation measures, and encourage wise and responsible risk management decision-making.
Property owners, realtors, lenders, and insurance agents are urged to attend and take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about flood risk and hazard mitigation within their community
FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident, initiates mitigation activities and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA works closely with state and local emergency managers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other first responders. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.
17th Annual “Help for the Homeless” Starts March 7!
Area Businesses, Schools, Churches Being Sought to Participate.
Appleton, WI - WEMI 91.9 FM Appleton/Oshkosh, WEMY 91.5 FM Green Bay: At least 33 area crisis agencies and shelters will receive donations of toiletries and cleaning products through WEMI & WEMY Christian Family Radio’s 17th annual Help for the Homeless campaign March 7-31.
Help for the Homeless works directly with the homeless coalitions in Brown County, the Fox Valley, Winnebago County, Fond du Lac, and Manitowoc to stock the shelves of area homeless and crisis programs so they can dedicate their limited financial resources to providing qualified personnel, safe housing, nutritious food, education, and counseling to those they serve.
Businesses, schools, churches, and area organizations are now being sought to participate in the drive. Donations will stay in the area where they are donated. NEW cleaning and personal care items such as laundry soap, hair and dental care products, bathroom tissue, diapers, etc. are needed. Last year 250 area collection sites received more than $73,000 worth donations. To request a collection box call Heidi Prahl at Christian Family Radio 800-236-9364.
"We were overwhelmed at the generosity of the community. The really cool thing is that the volume of this donation helps us with administrative costs. It saves us many hours of asking and coordinating other organizations, schools, etc. to do a drive for us. That way the hours can be spent on larger projects. Most importantly, it allows us to spend more money on direct financial assistance for those in need with basics such as housing, utilities and transportation." -2008, Julie Coenen, Leaven
Donations will be collected at Festival Foods, Christian Family Radio studios, and participating businesses/schools/churches and organizations March 7-31. Sponsored by Christian Family Radio with Festival Foods, Affinity Health System, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and WFRV Channel 5.
Thanks to Georgia Pacific Corrugated Division for their donation of collection boxes.
For more information, including printable fliers and a list of needs visit ChristianFamilyRadio.net
Recipient Agencies & Programs FOX CITIES:
B.A.B.E.S., Candlelight Vision Corp., CAP Services, Cerebral Palsy of Mideast Wisconsin COTS Transitional Shelters for Men and Women, Emergency Shelter of the Fox Valley, Fox Cities Community Health Clinic, Harbor House, Housing Partnership of the Fox Cities, LEAVEN, Mother & Unborn Baby Care, Salvation Army