I've been fielding a lot of calls from the news media and residents about rumors that talks between Grand Chute and Appleton police merger are dead. Memos were apparently sent out to Grand Chute and Appleton officers. Radio reports (WHBY) Appleton's memo informed offficers the town board might not be interested in pursuing merger negotaions. At last Tuesday's town board meeting, Chairman Marsden expressed his dissatisfaction with Appleton's sticking points (name identity being one of them), but no action was taken by the Town Board toward disolution of merger discussion.
As of this time, I am waiting for official word in memo form from Town Adminstrator Jim March, Appleton Chief David Walsh and Interim Deputy Chief Greg Peterson. Chairman Mike Marsden is out of town. Until I receive word in written form, I cannot speculate as to the reasoning, or the direction the merger is taking, because truthfully, I do not know.
Next Thursday's meeting of the Merger Implementation committee has been cancelled.