The Town of Grand Chute Summer Park Program is an 8 week recreation program for children ages 5 – 12. The program is held at four Grand Chute Parks. Last year the program benefited well over 100 children. Each year we look for area businesses to sponsor the program. Sponsorship dollars are used for craft and game supplies and to help fund field trips throughout the summer. In exchange for a $300 sponsorship fee, your business will be recognized in the following ways
• A professional sign will be displayed each week (for eight weeks) at all four parks indicating that your business is a sponsor of the program.
• Your business will be recognized on our summer event calendar. These calendars are distributed to all families who register for the program.
• Your business will also be recognized in the registration flier sent out to Highlands, Houdini, Badger, and Huntley Elementary Schools, reaching well over 1000 families.
If your business is interested in sponsoring the Town of Grand Chute Summer Park Program please contact Amy Sabee at 475-3845.