Just got back from tonight's town board meeting. The following is a copy of a motion I made:
Our residents have once again spoken and submitted almost 1400 signatures asking the town board to hold an advisory referendum regarding the Grand Chute police merger. This is in addition to the overwhelming support for a referendum at the annual meeting.
It is our job as elected officials to represent our constituents on their behalf.
Not holding an advisory referendum is ignoring the will of the people. As an advocate of open government, I move to direct staff to prepare advisory referendum language that will be placed on the November ballot.
The motion was amended to have the language ready for the next appropriate election ballot. The reasoning being to allow time for the advisory committee to gather information that may educate the public as to their final decision.
The amended motion passed unanimously.
I feel this is a step in the right direction. When a community speaks out, whether by signatures on a petition, or an annual meeting, the representatives they elected should listen.