The following post is an update on the first Citizen Advisory police merger panel meeting. At Tuesday's meeting, my suggestion to communicate what transpires to the public through press releases was not very well received. It was decided residents could keep updated through meeting minutes. Unfortunately, meeting minutes will not be posted on the town's web site until they are approved at the following meeting. The next meeting will be September 23rd. Therefore, I am providing this update to Grand Chute residents.
The Grand Chute citizen's advisory police merger panel met this past Tuesday. It was the first time the panel had met. James Milslagle, member of the panel, was selected as Chair, with Tom Dreier elected as Secretary. A representative from Virchow Krause was present as they have been hired as a consultant to oversee progress and provide direction to the panel. I was initially concerned when Edmund Henschel, the representative from Virchow Krause, told the panel he had been directed by the Town Board to lay out a six month time table for the study. His directive was to split the phases into two three month segments. I informed Mr. Henschel, the Town Board had not set forth any time table; Chairman Marsden later indicated this was a directive from himself.
I asked Mr. Henschel, in his 27 years of experience, if he had encountered mergers that were put together in less than six months. My police merger investigations indicated a much longer time period, some taking 2-5 years. Mr. Henschel agreed six months was an extremely short time frame.
Since the purpose of the panel is to ensure a thorough investigation into the pros and cons of a police merger, the panel agreed to leave the time table open at this point, and not restrict itself to a six month period. The panel also agreed monthly meetings may be too far apart, and may consider bi-weekly meetings at the next session.
Our next meeting is scheduled for September 23rd. Interim Chief Peterson will be gathering information, including statistics that were requested in the original RFP, including calls for service, scheduling, and a planned budget. Panel members will receive this information for review and at the next meeting will forward our questions to Interim Chief Peterson.
I will be happy to have Interim Chief Peterson answer any citizen questions as well. Please email or comment with any concerns. I fought for this panel to be formed to ensure taxpayers are at the forefront of the decision making process. This is your opportunity to become involved.