Various organizations in Grand Chute are working together to expand on Grand Chute's annual Parks Day event. The town is looking to create an event that is identifiable to surrounding communities as a "Grand Chute" celebration, similar to Darboy's Chickenfest, or Greenville's Catfish Races. The goal is this will be a community-wide event.
The main festival date is September 11, 2010, with other activities possibly occuring on the 10th and 12th.
Currently, a steering committee is looking into naming the event. From there, themes, and activities will be planned.
Grand Chute Firefighters, Grand Chute Citizens Police Academy and of course, Kiwanis, will all be a driving force behind this event. Town officials, Grand Chute Kiwanis, residents and business people will all come together to organize next year's festival. This is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor and help shape the future of Grand Chute celebrations. I will be meeting with Town Administrator Jim March early next week to start outlining the festival. Please email, comment, or call if you have any ideas.