- Unified crime reporting Part 1 violent crimes
- UCR Part 1 Non Violent crimes
- Adult Court Referrals
- Juvenile Criminal Apprehensions
- Emergency Detentions
- Population
- Completed Offense Reports
- Citizen Initiated Calls for Service
Interim Deputy Chief Peterson was charged with using this formula and plugging in numbers from the past two years in order to give the panel an idea of realistic costs.
The panel did not agree on a name. Members of Grand Chute feel the department's new name should reflect a combined name of both departments. Appleton members feel the name should remain Appleton Police Department with serving Grand Chute in smaller letters. This item will be brought back for further discussion, as there was not a 2/3 majority vote needed to pass.
No attorneys were present at last night's meeting. It has been requested they appear at the next meeting to answer questions.