December 1, 2010

Grand Chute WestFest wrap-up meeting tomorrow

There will be an informal 2010 WestFest wrap-up meeting this Thursday evening at 6:00 in the Town Board room.  Kiwanis Club President Ron Toshner plans to discuss what went well for the first WestFest, what did not go so well, and what we would change for next years event.  We will also discuss the financial results.  Next year's event has been scheduled for August 20th.  Mark your calendars. 
The Kiwanis Club also plans to present a ceremonial check to the Grand Chute K-9 project at next Tuesday's Town Board meeting at 7:00 PM on December 7th.  You are invited to attend both events!

Convention Center meeting December 2nd

The Convention Center Community Coalition will be making a public presentation of their report at 7:30 AM on Thursday, December 2nd at the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center in teh Kimberly-Clark Theater. The Coalition's goal was to provide a focused approach for the Fox Cities Communities to be able to make a decision on whether to pursue development of a convention center.

It is anticipated that since a majority of the room tax dollars are generated from Grand Chute, our hotel association is going to provide important input in regards to whether they think this proposed project will benefit their particular establishments. The Grand Chute Town Staff anticipates hosting a forum for the Grand Chute Hotel Association to provide input to the Town Board sometime after the initial public presentation in Appleton.

November 29, 2010

New Town Web site in the works

The Town will be unveiling a new Web site design before the end of the year. Keep checking and watch for the redesigned site.

November 28, 2010

Free radon kits available to Grand Chute residents

Outagamie County Public Helath Division has free radon test kits available for Grand Chute residents. Radon is a radioactive gas produced naturally by the decay of uranium present in rocks and soil. Radon enters homes through basements, crawl spaces, cracks in basement walls, sum pits and any other void spaces. One in the home, radon has less air to mix with, adn levels begin to rise. Radon is odorless, colorless, tasteless and undetectable by the human senses. It is considered to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, only behind tobacco smoke. The only way to determine if a home has radon is to test for it.

A limited supply of free radon test kits will be available at the Town of Grand Chute Town Hall on December 21, 2010 from 4-6pm. Minimal information from residents will be collected upon receipt of the test kit. Only one test kit will be provided to each person. Informational brochures will be available at the Clerk's office to further explain the risks of radon.

November 27, 2010

Bennigans in Grand Chute donates to Wisconsin Make A Wish

Bennigans in Grand Chute held a Grand Opening in early November. The CEO of Bennigans, along with other corporate staff members from Texas, traveled to Wisconsin to attend the Grand Opening celebration. The CEO stated that Bennigans is opening up new restaurants around the world and Grand Chute was the first choice to try out their new corporate store design. He mentioned factors in the decision were desirable location, good traffic counts near the mall and a highly qualified, trained and dedicated work force in the food service industry. As part of the Grand Opening, Bennigans presented a $5,000 check to the Wisconsin Make a Wish program.

November 26, 2010

Town's Borrowning rate at historic lows

Grand Chute continues to have an excellent credit rating. Moody Investment Services reaffirmed the town's rating as Aa2, almost unheard of! Because the town has such excellent credit, we were able to receive a bond issuance rate of 2.175% from M&I Bank. This is the lowest rate the Town has been able to borrow money at in the last ten years!

November 25, 2010

Appleton Alliance Trail

Have you been able to use the new trail by Appleton Alliance Church? Paving was completed in late October. This affords pedestrians a safe walking path along busy Grand Chute Blvd.

Aerial Maps Updated

The Town has received updated 2010 aerial photos from the county. These were provided at no charge. The photos were taken from flights between March 30th and April 3rd. The new photos are on the Grand Chute town web site. Click "GIS Map" under the first paragraph. Scroll down on the "Layers" drop down menu on the front page and place a checkmark in the "box" next to 2010 Aerial photos. Try another web browser if you don't see sections of the Town on the popup map.

A copy is also printed off and can be viewed in the offices.

November 1, 2010

Voting Information for November 2nd elections

Tomorrow is mid-term Election day, and the following is information about voting in Grand Chute:

You can look up your polling place location here.

Polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2.

You can download a sample ballot here [.pdf]. There is also one posted in the lobby of Town Hall.

You have until 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 28 to make a request to vote absentee by mail. You can print out the application here [.pdf] and mail it to the Town Clerk.
You have until 5 p.m. on Monday, November 1 to vote absentee in person at Town Hall.

You have until 5 p.m. on Monday, November 1 to register in person at Town Hall.
You may also register at the polls on Election Day.
Name and/or address changes require re-registration.

October 29, 2010

Toys for Tots donation box at Town Hall

Veolia has teamed up with several communities for the Toys for Tots program. Grand Chute Town Hall is one of the drop off sites for this year's campaign. A donation box will be in the lobby of the Town Hall beginning Monday, Nov. 1st through Friday, Nov. 5th. Pleas consider a donation and make a child's holiday season a little brighter!

Bennigans slated to open next week

The Grand Opening for Bennigans is Thursday, Nov. 4th. at 10:00am. The restaurant is located on mall drive.

Town Board meeting Thursday, Nov. 4th

Due to the general election held next Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, the Town Board meeting has been moved to Thursday.

K9 Donation from Bergstrom Automotive received

As previously mentioned in this blog, the Grand Chute Police Department is raising funds for a K9 program. The Grand Chute Kiwanis will be making a donation from WestFest proceeds. The Town Board received notification this week from Bergstrom Automotive about a sizable donation. The company has pledged $5,000 towards the program. The Grand Chute Citizen's Police Association also sent a mailer this month soliciting donations from residents. This brings the program closer to the goal of $30,000!

October 25, 2010

Grand Chute Trick or Treat Hours

2010 Grand Chute Trick or Treat hours are Sunday, October 31st, 4-7 pm.

Rebuild Together Fox Valley helps COTS

The last couple of weekends I have been volunteering through Rebuild Together Fox Valley for COTS. COTS operates shelters and programs that help homeless adults rebuild independent lives. They have a location in the Fox Valley on College Ave. in Appleton that accepts adults only. There is a two story duplex next door which for the past few years has remained vacant and was in need of repairs.

This duplex was one of the fall projects for Rebuild Together Fox Valley and the one I was a project leader on. The sponsor of this rebuild was Lowe's and had a $25,000 matching grant from JJ Keller. Volunteers from Coca-Cola were my workers on this project.

We remodeled the duplex to livable conditions, and now two mothers with children will be able to live together as a family. Cindy Sahotsky, the COTS executive director told me that previously, women living in the shelter would have to give their children up to social services. Now, there is the opportunity for COTS to help families as well.

My fellow Project Manager, Jim, and I finished the work on the duplex last night. The two new families will be able to move into the duplex this November. The mothers will be able to live in the duplex up to two years while they find jobs in the workforce and find a way to get back on their feet. COTS welcomes any donations for household items including furniture.

Pedestrian Bicycle Strategy Workshop Scheduled

Help make walking, running, and biking in Grand Chute more safe,
convenient, and enjoyable!

The Town of Grand Chute will be developing a Pedestrian and Bicycle
Strategy over the next few months. When completed, this document will
help the Town set priorities for future projects, leverage funding and
grants, and create policies that help ensure future development provides
facilities for walkers and bicyclists.

Please join us at our first workshop!

Tuesday, November 9th @ 7 p.m.
Grand Chute Town Hall,
1900 Grand Chute Boulevard

We need your help locating areas that are unsafe for walking or biking,
identifying places that are difficult to reach by foot or bike, and
recommending improvements that we could make.

Please contact Kevin J. Vonck, Special Projects Coordinator @ #
920-380-2910 with any questions.

October 20, 2010

Police department adds full time position

Good News! The Grand Chute Police Department was able to consolidate three part time officer positions and create one full time position on the department for the upcoming 2011 budget. This was a smart move due to the high turnover rate of the part time officers. Many recruits would be hired by GCPD only to move on when a full time position became available at another department. There are high training costs associated with each new hire and overtime rates spiked when officers would have to cover open part time shifts.

The benefits to this move are two-fold. There will be more uniform coverage with a another full time officer and the department should see a reduction in overtime (one of the department's major expenses). The best part of all, the department was able to do this without any increase at all to their 2011 budget.

September 27, 2010

Every little bit helps

The town continually looks for ways to save money. The Town self funded the employee dental plan this year. Year to date savings to the Town is $23,721.

Mall Drive Reconstruction continues

You may have noticed the construction on Mall Drive. The purpose is to make traffic flow easier for businesses. The road is still open for traffic flow to the Fox River Mall and other stores along Mall Drive. Directional signs have been installed to inform motorists where to go. Local businesses have been allowed to place thier own temporary business signs in front of the right of way.

A fiber optic line that was previously not in conflict with the proposed project had to have a portion relocated. This created an approximately three day delay. Town staff is in constant contact with the subcontractor to ensure this project is not delayed past the original expected completion date.

Budget planning sessions set for October

The time has come to start putting together the 2011 budget. The Town of Grand
Chute has expanded in 2010 just over six million dollars in new construction. Meaning this is the value of new taxable structures. The town has also negotiated successfully with all three unions for three year contracts. Of significance, is the town's ability to negotiate reduction in the amount the town contributes toward our employees' health insurance. Town employees will be required to pay a larger percentage.

The Town in 2010 approved substantial vehicle replacement program to help with our aging fleet. Hopefully, this amount can be reduced in 2011.

As I said in previous posts, the town's financial situation ranks near the top in the state, allowing us to borrow at reduced rates and lend with favorable returns.

With the good standing, the town will review reconstruction of a 118 parcel
development by North Bluemound. The town will also fill cracked pavement
or chip seal to extend the longevity of roads.

Recently the town approved construction of two ponds. One is located near Hwy 41 on Spencer St. and the other on Woodman Dr. by Fleet Farm. These two ponds will take the town closer to the (Un-funded) EPA mandated water shed control that is set at 40% by 2013.

The town will look at more ponds in 2011 and 2012 in order to meet these requirements. Discussion with other towns may include requests to extend the requirements, because of the financial drain on communities in these difficult times.
I will keep you posted as we meet for our initial meeting next month. if you have any questions or suggestions for me to bring to the meeting please call or e-mail.

September 14, 2010

WestFest wrapup

The Grand Chute Kiwanis are busy counting all the proceeds from this year's WestFest. We are also reviewing what did and didn't work well and what to expand upon for next year. The event date has been nailed down for next year. It will be Saturday, August 20, 2011, so mark your calendars now!

August 9, 2010

Volunteer Opportunities for WestFest

It's easy to sign up and volunteer at this year's WestFest! A new online volunteer schedule is available to users!

Positions open include:

Setting up and taking down booths
Directing visitors and vehicles
Working in the family fun area
Selling tickets and awarding prizes
Selling wristbands and beer
Running errands

Sign up to volunteer online here.

Or contact
Kevin J. Vonck, Volunteer Coordinator
phone: 920-380-2910

August 5, 2010

Examining the Town's financials

Grand Chute is required to have yearly financial audits. Schenck performed last year’s town audit. There were a few changes last year based on the recommendations from Schenck in 2009. The recommendations were to change the sanitary districts into enterprise funds and separate them from the overall budget. This is due to the charges for services (water bill and sewer bill).

This pays the expenses on the water treatment plant and the city of
Appleton for water the town purchases. Separating them gives the town a
better and more isolated grasp on each district .

The town’s general fund decreased from 3,394,427 to 3,271,947 during 2009. At
December 31, 2009, the town's under-designated general fund totaled 1,502,271.
This balance represents approximately 12.3% of the total 2010 budgeted general
fund expenditures. This indicates the general fund is in excellent financial
position as we enter the 2010 fiscal year.

As of December 31, 2009 the town has available financial resources of $7,103,624
with the towns debt service balance totaling 100,914 and a 5,097,297 capitol
project fund totaling 15,659,326 December 31, 2009

The town's water utility district 1 reported a net loss of $763,232 in 2009
compared to a net loss of 442,599 for 2008 this is a direct result of the
increased price in purchased water from the city of Appleton. The district has
applied for a rate increase and was received to take effect towards the end of
the year 2009. As a town resident, you have already seen the increase this
year. It should also be noted the city is expected to continue to raise their
rates to balance off their districts. This will result in the town having to do
the same, to cover the increase. Currently the operating revenue is $3,942,731 in
sanitary district 1 $2,663,601 in sanitary district 2 $1,356,850 in sanitary
district 3 and $24,863 in the east side district. Only Districts 1 and east side
were operating in the red.

Again, the town is in excellent financial position and continues to operate with
one of the top Moody rating of aa2 (highest town rating in the valley). If you
have questions the entire audit can be found at the town hall.

August 2, 2010

Flood Insurance Presentation

Thursday, August 5 at the County Highway Department Meeting Room, 4:pm

Presentation by Gary Heinrichs, Floodplain Planning program Manager, Bureau of Watershed Management, WI DNR. This workshop will include overview of the National Flood Insurance Program. The workshop is FREE and no registration is required.

This is an educational workshops conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  They have developed a new presentation geared toward citizens, local officials and industry professionals interested in the flood insurance program and the new floodplain maps.

The workshop is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th, at the Outagamie County Highway Garage.  Further information can be downloaded here.

National Night Out Tuesday, August 3rd.

This year's National Night Out will be held at Patriot Park. The Event will kick off at 4 PM with a Theda Star landing. Other activities will follow, including a dunk tank, which is new this year. The event lasts until 8 PM.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT is designed to:
  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Town Board meeting date change

This week's Town Board meeting will be on Thursday, August 5th so Board members can attend Tuesday's National Night Out event.

July 31, 2010

Web site for K9 fundraising

There's a new web site that explains the background behind fundraising for Grand Chute's new K9 program. The goal is $30,000. Grand Chute's Kiwanis Club will be donating proceeds from the WestFest celebration.
A patrol dog and handler training is $11,000 and equipment for the dog is an additional $3,000. The additional money will go toward a three year plan of annual maintenance costs which include recertifications, food and veterinary expenses.

Benefits of a K9 unit are:
*Tracking to find lost children and people with medical problems.
∗    Public relations between the police and community. Appearances and demonstrations.
∗    Highly visible deterrent to criminal activity
∗    Tracking and apprehending criminals for prosecution of their crimes.
∗    Locating drugs
∗    Reducing the hours needed to locate people and drugs.
∗    Providing income from recovered cash and property.

The program is also looking for donations from community members. Donations may be used for tax deduction purposes. If you have questions or you want to contact the GCCPAAA, you may do so by contacting:
GCCP AAA c/o Grand Chute Police Department 1900 W. Grand Chute Blvd. Grand Chute, WI 54913 (920) 832-1575

July 28, 2010

Grand Chute WestFest Details

All the latest information on Grand Chute WestFest can be found at The festival runs September 10 & 11th.

July 22, 2010

Storm Damage Update From Grand Chute Fire Department

July 21, 2010

Grand Chute Storm Damage Assessment


Early this morning the crews from the Grand Chute Fire Department, Department of Public Works and Town officials began assessing the damage caused by recent storms that moved through our area Tuesday night.

Preliminary damage assessments indicate approximately 34 residents have suffered minor damage to their structures from downed trees, hail and/or wind damage or flooding. Three structures sustained moderate damage, while one home sustained major damage to their roof and surrounding property after a tree went through the roof. Thus far, approximately 50 trees in the Town have been downed by the storms. No total dollar estimates are available at this time.

Residents and business owners are asked to report any known hazards or damages to their property to their local jurisdiction.

WE Energies advised us that almost all Grand Chute customers have their power restored at this time and crews expect to have the remaining 8 customers back up shortly.

The Grand Chute Department of Public Works is continuing to clear streets of debris and fallen tree branches.

The Town of Grand Chute residents are required to contact DPW at 832-1581 if they would like to have their curbside brush piles chipped and picked up.

We urge all citizens to use extreme caution when cleaning up damaged trees that are in close proximity to power lines.

Consumer Safety Note:
When choosing a tree service or cleanup company to assist you with your storm damage, protect yourself from unscrupulous people who may not have your best interests in mind. Never pay in advance. Get more than one estimate and be sure to check credentials.

July 19, 2010

Changes in urbanization communication

The Town Board received an update from the project manager at Omni and Associates regarding the North Boundary Run urbanization project. This project is located in the Houdini School area. The project on schedule and on budget. The company is keeping in close contact with residents to make sure summer parties and events can still be accessed.

The company has new policies in place to keep residents informed after complaints surfaced in the Casaloma West and Twin Willows subdivisions. The Town Board called for better services and products from our engineering firms and subcontractors. So far, I have not received complaints in this subdivision. In fact the Town Board received a letter from one resident thanking the town for keeping roads open over the Fourth of July weekend. The Town Board now receives weekly updates from the engineering firms during the scope of the project.

July 15, 2010

Town enacts new deck ordinances

The Town of Grand Chute recently enacted a set of two new ordinances that deal with outdoor decks for businesses that serve alcohol. These ordinances were a result of Wisconsin's recent state-wide smoking ban. Many bars and restaurants are asking for special exception service to allow alcohol service to outdoor patios and newly designated smoking areas. Bob Buckingham, our Community Development Director, and his staff have research and compiled the ordinances to ensure the safety of residents and make sure minors do not have access areas where alcoholic beverages are consumed outdoors. This allows businesses to accommodate their smoking patrons and gives them a specific set of guidelines to follow.

July 14, 2010

Fun in the Park & 5k Walk

It is International Sarcoma Awareness Week. Dan's House of Hope is sponsoring a 5K walk on July 18th from 10:00am-2:00 pm at Arrowhead Park. The walk begins at 10AM and there will be a picnic at noon. (Bring your own picnic basket).Volleyball and other events will be oganized in the park. Coffee, danish and cookies will be provided prior to the start of the walk. The event will be rain or shine, although it may be canceled if dangerous weather is imminent.

Note: A sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops from certain tissues, like bone or muscle.

July 9, 2010

Gold's Gym to break ground in Grand Chute

On Tuesday, the Town Board approved removing easements and combining multiple lots in the vacant land area near Wisconsin and Badger Ave. This allows Gold's Gym to start construction on their new facility. Gold's Gym is combining their Northland Ave. and College Ave. locations into one central building. The Plan Commission has approved the preliminary plans for the 20,000 sq. ft. gym that will feature state of th art equipment and new programs to keep us in shape.

July 7, 2010

Parks Comprehensive Plan

The Grand Chute Park Commission will meet Monday, July 12th at 5pm. They will be voting on the comprehensive plan of trails and parks, specifically, which ones to fund at this time. The recommendations will be forwarded to the Town Board. One of the parks listed in the comprehensive plan is a dog park on the north end of Gillette Street. Please email me before Monday if you have suggestions on which trails you would like to see completed.

June 24, 2010

Grand Chute WestFest Schedule of events

Grand Chute Kiwanis Club
WestFest Schedule of Events

Friday, September 10th
Family Fun Night (Alcohol Free Friday)
Farmer’s Market 3:00-7:00 PM
Big Prize Ticket Raffle-Ticket Sales Begin
Children’s Games 4:00-7:00 PM (is this Appleton Alliance, description?)
Mud Creek Minnow Races
Three on Three Basketball Tournament at Appleton Alliance 5:00-10:00 PM
Live Remote KISS FM 4:00-6:00 PM
Valley Idol Contest Hosted by KISS FM DJ Tyler James 6:00-8:00 PM
1st Place $250
2nd Place $150
3rd Place $100
Teen Street Dance Hosted by KISS FM DJ Tyler James
School with most registered IDs wins $500 for their homecoming festivities
Grand Chute Fire Department Feast & Fish Boil
Fish Boil Times…need

Saturday, September 11th

Craft Show 9:30-3:30
Budweiser Beer Garden Opens at 11:00 AM
Fire Department Open House 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Ladder Truck Demonstrations 11:30-2:00 PM
ThedaStar Helicopter Noon-1:00 PM
Room Fire Demonstration 1:00 PM
Punt, Pass & Kick Contest 2:00-4:00 PM
9/11 Ceremony/Veteran’s Tribute 2:00 PM
Big Prize Raffle- Drawings begin at 5:00 PM
Children’s Games 9:00-6:00 PM
Mud Creek Minnow Races (All Day Event)
50/50 Raffle

Main Stage Live Entertainment
Greg Waters and the Broad Street Boogie (3:30 – 5:00 PM)
Separate Ways (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM)
U2Zoo the U2 Concert experience (8:30 PM – 11:00PM)

June 1, 2010

Summer events in Grand Chute

There are two interesting events the Town Board has on the agenda for this evening's meeting. One is Harley Davidson's Military Appreciation Event on June 5th. The proposed event is 11am-4pm and will include displays of miltary vehicles, catered food, and live music.

Another proposed event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Hearse Organization. It is a Retired Hearse Car show and will be held at the Wave Ballroom on Casaloma Drive July 24th from 9-4. There will be live remote broadcasting, food and drink that will benefit the "Costume for Kids" program.

May 25, 2010

Capitol Drive Overpass Gets New Signage

There has been serious concern by residents about the narrow overpass on Capitol Drive that crosses Hwy 41.

As a background, the State of Wisconsin recently repaired and raised the overpass, and in the process, created a narrowed road. The road was left with less than one foot for pedestrians to cross.  With the additional height to the overpass, the line of sight is blocked to the oncoming traffic. 

The Grand Chute Town Board recently approved the placement of additional signs at the base of the Capitol Dr. overpass.  New signage is going to include notification of pedestrians and alert drivers there is no shoulder.  This particular overpass links two residential areas and access to the Fox River Mall area. While the signage is a great improvement, drivers to be cautious as well.

Globe University Builds in Grand Chute

Glove University will start construction on a two-story, 31,000 sq. ft. building in Grand Chute off Grand Market Drive. The Minnesota-based university has campus locations in Wisconsin and Minnesota as well. According to their Web site, Globe University has this to say:
  • Our students: Working parents, young adults, international students, military personnel and other students share a common commitment to career education.
  • Our programs: Nearly 40 master’s, bachelor’s and associate degree, diploma and certificate programs meet students’ needs at various points in their careers.
  • Our national accreditation: As an accredited member of ACICS, we demonstrate our commitment to excellence in higher education.
  • Our mission: "We Care" describes the whole-team support each student receives from admission through graduation.
The university hopes to be open for fall semester.

Nature's Lane Trail Nearing Completion

The asphalt trail and approaches to the boardwalk have been installed. Landscaping is scheduled for completion this week. Residents reported some minor vandalism, ie. spray paint on the boardwalk and children's toys a few weeks ago. Since then, residents have been in contact with the Grand Chute Police Department and are in the process of establishing a Neighborhood Watch. Police have also offered to provide outdoor premises security reviews for the properties abutting the trail.

FVTC Report to the Community.

Last week, Fox Valley Technical College had their Annual Report to the Community. There were several representatives from local businesses in attendance. A panel of these business representatives discuss the specific training and benefits that they have received through programming held and scheduled through FVTC. Dr. May reported that enrollment at FVTC has increased 16% in the last year. They currently offer welding classes in Oshosh that are held around the clock in one of the technical labs. Welding classes are held until 2AM! This is one of the was they are dealing with the increased enrollment and limited space they have available. Increased tuition has also increased the State revenues that come into the College.

May 6, 2010

Town Board meeting rescheduled

Last week's Town Board meeting has been scheduled to resume on Tuesday, May 11 at 7pm. I will post a link to the agenda when it is up on web site

May 5, 2010

Town Board meeting interrupted

Last night's Town Board meeting was interrupted due to Tornado warnings. The Board took a recess and will reconvene, hopefully within the next week.

May 4, 2010

Underage Compliance Checks continue improving

The Grand Chute Police department conducted underage compliance checks at 70 establishments in Grand Chute during the month of April. The rate of failure continues to drop significantly. Four percent of the establishments served an underage person compared to nine percent during September's compliance check. This was down from a 2008 failure rate of 40%. The results will be further discussed at tonight's town board meeting.

May 3, 2010

Speed Study findings for CTH JJ between Meade and French Road

Both Grand Chute and the city of Appleton requested Outagamie County conduct a speed study on CTH JJ between Meade St. and French Road. Speed limits range from 45 to 55 mph. on this stretch and the highway is adjacent to both Fox Valley Lutheran and North High Schools. A specific change was not requested. However, there has been concern that the existing speed limits are too high. The Outagamie County Highway and Solid Waste Committee approved the requested study.

Two separate speed collection locations were selected to collect data regarding how motorist currently are using the roadway. Evaluating the data collected between Ballard Road and 1,300' east (the existing 45 mph zone) 85% of the vehicles traveled at 53 MPH, and fall within statewide guidelines indicating that 45 MPH is appropriate.

Data was also collected between 1,300'east of Ballard Road and French Road (the existing 55MPH zone. 85% of the vehicles traveled at 59 MPH, and statewide guidelines indicate that the 55 MPH speed zone is appropriate and should remain unchanged. Comparing nearby roadways having similar cross section and development density, it was found that roadways having similar characteristics were posted at 45 MPH and 55 MPH which support the existing speed limits.

A three year crash history found 15 reported accidents occurred. Five crashes resulted in injuries with the remaining crashes resulting in property damage only. All reported accidents in the study segment involved persons over the age of 35. No pedestrian or speed related accidents were identified over the three year crash history.

After reviewing the statutory limitations and the information gathered in the speed study, the statewide guidelines do not support changing the existing speed zones.

However, the Deputy Highway Commissioner recommends that the school district and the City of Appleton investigate the addition of pedestrian accommodations that would allow for a safe crssing on CTH JJ between North High School and the gas station.

April 29, 2010

Park shelters set to open

All Grand Chute Parks shelters open May 1st. Fees for reserving shelters are $50, except for Arrowhead Park, which is $60. Non residents are required to pay an additional $50. Download the Park Rental Agreement if you are interested in renting a shelter.

April 28, 2010

Traffic Signal Analysis for CTHY A and Grand Chute Blvd.

The Town of Grand Chute has formally requested that the Outagamie County Highway department perform a traffic signal analysis for this intersection. With the addition of the roundabout at Hwy A and JJ, the traffic is more metered and the gaps for crossing Hwy A much shorter. The town also has a bicycle path along the south side of Grand Chute Blvd. in the southeast quadrant of the intersection. The Town has plans to continue the bike trail to the west along the south side of Grand Chute Blvd. later this year.

Public works employees guess this intersection currently meets peak hour warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. Appleton Alliance has indicated in the past they are interested in constructing their own trail way along Grand Chute Blvd. A crosswalk on Cty Hwy A would be ideal at this intersection.

April 19, 2010

Bennigans coming to Grand Chute

Construction is under way for a Bennigan's Restaurant near the Fox River Mall. It bills itself as an American Pub and Grill. The old Kolosso Toyota building has been torn down and the developers have proposed a new building that will be home to a service center for Time Warner Cable and the new Bennigan's restaurant. This Bennigan's will have a revamped theme. The restaurant will have a brighter, more contemporary look.

March 19, 2010

Follow Grand Chute on Twitter

The town of Grand Chute is posting updates for residents via twitter. To sign up, go to

March 2, 2010

Nature's Lane Trail web cam

There is a Web site where Grand Chute residents can view trail construction.

February 22, 2010

K9 Benefit Auction nets $6,000

A benefit acution for the Grand Chute K9 project was held last weekend. Over $6,000 was raised during the one day event. According to a K9 board member, $30,000 is needed in funding to implement the K9 program. Thanks to the many Grand Chute businesses who donated to this auction.

Nature's Lane trail update

The Nature's Lane trail has been getting a lot of press coverage lately. Homeowner's opposed to the trail had petitioned the DNR for an injunction and were denied last month. The homeowners then received a restraining order from Waupaca County (since one of the homeowners is an Outagamie County supervisor, it was removed from the Outagamie County Courts)

The town then responded back with a counter suit and asked the hearing to be moved up. Today, the town administrator and lawyer met before the judge.

According to the Circuit Court Clerk, the judge denied the plaintiff's request for a temporary injunction and dissolved the temporary restraining order.

However, The Plaintiffs can still pursue a permanent injunction at trial. They can also pursue money damages. No trial date has been set.

According to Administrator Jim March, trail work will proceed tomorrow.

Comments section revised

Just wanted to let blog readers out there know the comments section is being closed. I'm getting too many spammer comments that have nothing to do with subject topics. If anyone does have comments, they can email and I will be happy to post.

January 18, 2010

January 19th Town Board meeting agenda

The agenda for tomorrow's Town Board meeting can be downloaded here.

January 19th Plan Commission Meeting cancelled

This Tuesday's January 19th Plan Commission meeting at 6pm has been cancelled due to lack of quorum. The 7pm Town Board meeting is still scheduled.

DNR denies appeal for Natures Lane Trail

The DNR has denied requests from two residents for a contested case hearing regarding proposed construction of the Nature's Lane Trail. The trail is part of Grand Chute's comprehensive parks and recreation plan. There was quite a controversy from three residents whose backyards abutt the trail. I covered the construction and background here.

There is a 30 day appeal period from the date a notice is mailed. That would place the appeal deadline at February 10th.

Hog Heaven has gone to heaven

Harley lovers will have to find a new spot to have a frosty beverage. Hog Heaven bar, which was the site of a recent drug bust on January 6th is shut down. The landlord has changed locks on the building.

Countywide Assessment Proposal unlikely to proceed

Grand Chute's town assessor recently attended a meeting of the Wisconsin Assessors Association. A board member relayed that Secretary of Revenue Ervin has announced the Countywide Assessment Proposal is officially dead.

Secretary Erwin had proposed reducing the 1,851 assessment districts in the State to 100 districts or less will benefit property tax payers with a streamlined, cost effective procedure under county management. Currently, Wisconsin has the largest number of assessment districts of any state.

Opponents of the plan cited enormous start-up costs and non uniformity of municipalities in each county.

The state will be making an official announcement, and plans to tighten some rules on the reevaluations and Assessor qualification standards throughout the state. Our assessor was informed that jurisdicitions that will to retain their current Assessor and locally controlled processes will be able to do so.