October 13, 2008

Scenes from the Fire Station Open House and Dedication

Fire Explorers raising the flag that Congressmen Kagen
presented to the fire station.
The flag has previously flown over the US Capitol building.
The crowd looks on as the flag is raised to the National Anthem.Grand Chute Fire Chief Timothy Bantes addressed the crowd during the dedication.
Members of the fire department and the Town Board lined up for the "hose ceremony."
Instead of the traditional ribbon cutting, a fire hose is used instead.
(No fire hoses were harmed during this ceremony)

A plaque was also unvield that will be hung at the fire station.The fire station was open to the public for tours all day. This shot is from the mezzanie looking down into the bay area where the trucks come through.
Freddie also made an appearance. He is the new educational resource that is used in schools and presentations to make children aware of fire safety.

Children also had a lot of fun turning on friendly-sized hoses.

The new fire station will be staffed 24-7. This is a shot of one of the sleeping quarters rooms.

The firefighter cooks will have a great time preparing food in this kitchen.This is the dining area off the kitchen. The chair in the bottom left corner is part of the TV room.
The excercise room. Firefighters are required to devote a segment each day to exercise.