Many of you know that in addition to being a Supervisor and owning a construction company, I am also a Deputy for Menominee County Sheriff''s Department. Menominee County is the only place in the state where the entire county is designated as an Indian Reservation. This past year, I've worked with the Sheriff's Department on the Native American Drug and Gang Initiative (NADGI) Project.
NADGI is a partnership between eight tribes and the State Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI) The Project allows local departments to work as a team with state and federal law enforcement agencies to combat drug, gun, and gang crimes on Wisconsin’s Native American Reservations.
On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of accepting a certificate of recogition at a presentation in Meonominee County from Congressman Steve Kagen. The NADGI project was funded this past year by a $400,000 federal grant that was supported by Congressman Kagen. This important grant provides officer training and other resources, and has been instrumental in successfully removing drugs from reservation communities.
The Shawano Leader featured the NADGI project in an article yesterday.