Updates have been a little sparse this last week, as I've been finishing up my Dream Builders and Developer's entry in this year's Winter Wonderland of Homes. It's actually the same house that was in this past year's Gallery of Homes, at 2732 Independence Ct. in Grand Chute. The home was built as a "spec", which means it was not a contract home. It was purchased within three weeks of being on the market, however. The new homeowners elected to finish the walkout lower level, create a downstairs theater room and move the living room fireplace downstairs. So, once again, the finish came down to the wire with some late nights. The end result was worth it.
The Winter Wonderland of Homes continues the next four days. Thurs and Friday 5-8pm. Saturday and Sunday 11-5pm (now that the Packers are not in the Superbowl!) Tickets are available at any of the homes. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Each ticket will allow entry into all the homes.