I originally posted the following on the community conversation Post Crescent message boards. I think this is relevant to post here as well:
I want to address the issue of a fire station redesign for those who were not able to attend this past board meeting. There was a discussion that went much more in depth than was reported in the Post Crescent. Based upon what was said, my conclusion was that redesign is not in the best interest of the taxpayers. That is why I voted against the study.
The fire station plans are at 90% completion by the architect. There are exact engineering standards for commercial buildings required by the state of Wisconsin. Changing the fire station design at this point would require scrapping all existing plans and starting over from scratch. An entire new plan set would have to be developed and submitted for review, holding the project up by an estimated 9 months. The architect, of course, would expect additional payment for a re-engineered design.
The line of questioning was in regards to changing the slab foundation to a basement foundation. Changing the structure to a basement foundation means adding features like elevators to meet ADA standards and additional sq. ft. for stairwells, additional concrete costs for the basement floor, and fire rated floors between the basement and main level. Strand and Associates estimated a basement foundation to run about $400,000-$500,000 extra.
Additionally, switching to a basement foundation does not negate the existing soil issue. Excavating (basement) or trenching (slab) must be done to get down to the virgin soil. Either way additional costs are going to be incurred. I've encountered the same soil issues in structures I've built in other parts of Grand Chute. The same precautionary measures were taken that are being discussed. This ensures the investment is going to to last the life of the structure. I also made a motion to put the work required for rebid to ensure the town gets the most competitive rate.