The Planning Commission was to review Zoning text ammendment Z-06-07 relating to the Free-standing Solar Collectors and Small Wind Energy Generators at the July 17, 2007 meeting. The Planning Commission deferred giving a recommendation to the Town Board until more information could be gathered based upon residents' concerns. The draft was sent back to the staff for futher review.
The Town Administrator informed me today that Mick Sagrillo will be speaking to the Planning Commission at the August 21 meeting. Mr. Sagrillo is a founding member of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association and is considered a leading expert on wind technology. Mr. Sagrillo will be answering questions from the Commission and residents at the Planning Commission meeting at 6pm.
If you have a question for Mr. Sagrillo and are unable to attend the meeting, please email your concerns or post in the comment section. I will be happy to relay them to Mr. Sagrillo. The Planning Commission is scheduled to re-look at the ordinance at the September 4th meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded to the Town Board for vote at the September 18th meeting.