The following are park improvements recommended by the Parks Commission to be completed by 2012.
Carter Woods park
Construct temporary restroom facilities/screening to serve the soccer field
Install additional landscaping
Install security lighting
Patriot Park
Parking lot addition
Replace plaground equipment
Grand Chte Lions Park
Install walkway security lighting
Install additional landscaping
Install an accessible playground
Arrowhead Park
Boardwalk benches
Install security lighting
Possible expansion to the west
Prairie Hill Park
Install security lighting
Install additional landscaping
Northside—Picnic Pavillion
Northside tennis court
Nortside road, parking utilities
Northside playground
Install Interpretive Signs around pond and open house
Art Lecker Wilderness Park
Develop trail connection through park from Plamann Park to Bubolz Nature Center. Prepare concept plan for the eventual development of this site. Develop per plan for possible archery range and/or dog park.