October 29, 2010

Toys for Tots donation box at Town Hall

Veolia has teamed up with several communities for the Toys for Tots program. Grand Chute Town Hall is one of the drop off sites for this year's campaign. A donation box will be in the lobby of the Town Hall beginning Monday, Nov. 1st through Friday, Nov. 5th. Pleas consider a donation and make a child's holiday season a little brighter!

Bennigans slated to open next week

The Grand Opening for Bennigans is Thursday, Nov. 4th. at 10:00am. The restaurant is located on mall drive.

Town Board meeting Thursday, Nov. 4th

Due to the general election held next Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, the Town Board meeting has been moved to Thursday.

K9 Donation from Bergstrom Automotive received

As previously mentioned in this blog, the Grand Chute Police Department is raising funds for a K9 program. The Grand Chute Kiwanis will be making a donation from WestFest proceeds. The Town Board received notification this week from Bergstrom Automotive about a sizable donation. The company has pledged $5,000 towards the program. The Grand Chute Citizen's Police Association also sent a mailer this month soliciting donations from residents. This brings the program closer to the goal of $30,000!

October 25, 2010

Grand Chute Trick or Treat Hours

2010 Grand Chute Trick or Treat hours are Sunday, October 31st, 4-7 pm.

Rebuild Together Fox Valley helps COTS

The last couple of weekends I have been volunteering through Rebuild Together Fox Valley for COTS. COTS operates shelters and programs that help homeless adults rebuild independent lives. They have a location in the Fox Valley on College Ave. in Appleton that accepts adults only. There is a two story duplex next door which for the past few years has remained vacant and was in need of repairs.

This duplex was one of the fall projects for Rebuild Together Fox Valley and the one I was a project leader on. The sponsor of this rebuild was Lowe's and had a $25,000 matching grant from JJ Keller. Volunteers from Coca-Cola were my workers on this project.

We remodeled the duplex to livable conditions, and now two mothers with children will be able to live together as a family. Cindy Sahotsky, the COTS executive director told me that previously, women living in the shelter would have to give their children up to social services. Now, there is the opportunity for COTS to help families as well.

My fellow Project Manager, Jim, and I finished the work on the duplex last night. The two new families will be able to move into the duplex this November. The mothers will be able to live in the duplex up to two years while they find jobs in the workforce and find a way to get back on their feet. COTS welcomes any donations for household items including furniture.

Pedestrian Bicycle Strategy Workshop Scheduled

Help make walking, running, and biking in Grand Chute more safe,
convenient, and enjoyable!

The Town of Grand Chute will be developing a Pedestrian and Bicycle
Strategy over the next few months. When completed, this document will
help the Town set priorities for future projects, leverage funding and
grants, and create policies that help ensure future development provides
facilities for walkers and bicyclists.

Please join us at our first workshop!

Tuesday, November 9th @ 7 p.m.
Grand Chute Town Hall,
1900 Grand Chute Boulevard

We need your help locating areas that are unsafe for walking or biking,
identifying places that are difficult to reach by foot or bike, and
recommending improvements that we could make.

Please contact Kevin J. Vonck, Special Projects Coordinator @ #
920-380-2910 with any questions.

October 20, 2010

Police department adds full time position

Good News! The Grand Chute Police Department was able to consolidate three part time officer positions and create one full time position on the department for the upcoming 2011 budget. This was a smart move due to the high turnover rate of the part time officers. Many recruits would be hired by GCPD only to move on when a full time position became available at another department. There are high training costs associated with each new hire and overtime rates spiked when officers would have to cover open part time shifts.

The benefits to this move are two-fold. There will be more uniform coverage with a another full time officer and the department should see a reduction in overtime (one of the department's major expenses). The best part of all, the department was able to do this without any increase at all to their 2011 budget.