January 18, 2011

New Web Site Feature: Pay court fines online

Persons issued Grand Chute municipal citations can pay their court fines online. Select Make A Payment on the grandchute.net home page. Then, you will see the following:

The Town may impose monetary forfeiture (including costs) upon a guilty plea or verdict. If you fail to pay your forfeiture within sixty (60) days (or the time allotted), your driver's license will be suspended for a period of up to three (3) years, you may be incarcerated for one (1) day for each $25.00 still owed, or the amount owed may be turned over to a collection agency/tax intercept.
Pay your fine now with a credit or debit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)! Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
online: www.GovPayNOW.com
phone: 1-888-604-7888

use Pay Location Code: 6342