Help make walking, running, and biking in Grand Chute more safe,
convenient, and enjoyable!
The Town of Grand Chute will be developing a Pedestrian and Bicycle
Strategy over the next few months. When completed, this document will
help the Town set priorities for future projects, leverage funding and
grants, and create policies that help ensure future development provides
facilities for walkers and bicyclists.
Please join us at our first workshop!
Tuesday, November 9th @ 7 p.m.
Grand Chute Town Hall,
1900 Grand Chute Boulevard
We need your help locating areas that are unsafe for walking or biking,
identifying places that are difficult to reach by foot or bike, and
recommending improvements that we could make.
Please contact Kevin J. Vonck, Special Projects Coordinator @ #
920-380-2910 with any questions.