Both Grand Chute and the city of Appleton requested Outagamie County conduct a speed study on CTH JJ between Meade St. and French Road. Speed limits range from 45 to 55 mph. on this stretch and the highway is adjacent to both Fox Valley Lutheran and North High Schools. A specific change was not requested. However, there has been concern that the existing speed limits are too high. The Outagamie County Highway and Solid Waste Committee approved the requested study.
Two separate speed collection locations were selected to collect data regarding how motorist currently are using the roadway. Evaluating the data collected between Ballard Road and 1,300' east (the existing 45 mph zone) 85% of the vehicles traveled at 53 MPH, and fall within statewide guidelines indicating that 45 MPH is appropriate.
Data was also collected between 1,300'east of Ballard Road and French Road (the existing 55MPH zone. 85% of the vehicles traveled at 59 MPH, and statewide guidelines indicate that the 55 MPH speed zone is appropriate and should remain unchanged. Comparing nearby roadways having similar cross section and development density, it was found that roadways having similar characteristics were posted at 45 MPH and 55 MPH which support the existing speed limits.
A three year crash history found 15 reported accidents occurred. Five crashes resulted in injuries with the remaining crashes resulting in property damage only. All reported accidents in the study segment involved persons over the age of 35. No pedestrian or speed related accidents were identified over the three year crash history.
After reviewing the statutory limitations and the information gathered in the speed study, the statewide guidelines do not support changing the existing speed zones.
However, the Deputy Highway Commissioner recommends that the school district and the City of Appleton investigate the addition of pedestrian accommodations that would allow for a safe crssing on CTH JJ between North High School and the gas station.