The referendum appears on the ballot as follows:
"Under State Law the increase in the levy of the Town of Grand Chute for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, 2009, is limited to 2%, which results in a levy of $8,373,900. Shall the Town of Grand Chute be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year, 2009 AND ON AN ONGOING BASIS, by a total of 10.5% (for the fiscal year 2009) resulting in a levy of $9,070,900 for the purpose of hiring an additional six (6) fire fighters and additional part time firefighters."
The phrase "and on an ongoing basis" was concern in particular for one resident, who questioned if the levy would increase each year an additional 10.5%. Yikes! Other residents wonder why the language is so confusing, some commenting they thought six additional firefighters would cost 9 million dollars.
Town Administrator Rohloff explains the amount and reasoning behind the language:
"The "and on an ongoing basis" is language required by the State. It simply means that the additional $697,000 that we raise may continue on the tax roll in subsequent years. The 10.5% increase is the one time impact due to the $697,00 increase. In future years, the amount will continue to be capped by state levy limits.
Unfortunately, the way that the state budget is adopted (via the Governor's "Frankenstein veto"), referendum language such as this is required by law. We wanted to simplify this language, but the Town's attorney advised us that we could not amend this language."
More on the referendum early next week!