Last Saturday was Grand Chute Parks Day. This event is held to raise funds for our parks systems. Highlights of the day are a large car show, and craft sale. And, as my sister Arielle said, "there were a heck of a lot of cars!" And you can tell you're getting old when you start recongizing cars you grew up with are now collectors.

The Grand Chute Citizenn's Police Academy, Grand Chute Kiwanis, Fire and Police Department and Shriners all pull together to put this day on for our community. This year's Parks Day was well attended, and there were 113 raffle prizes that were given away. Thank you to all the businesses who donated raffle prizes. Plans for next year are already in the works. The Grand Chute Kiwanis are going to be taking over the overall coordination of the event, and next years Parks Day will be September 13th.