Entries have been a little sparse lately. I'm on deadline and have been working till 2 am this past week. This is a segway into a shameless self promotion plug, I admit. This weekend and next week is the 2nd Annual Fox Valley Gallery of Homes. My company, Dream Builders and Developers, LLC, has an entry in the Gallery. (And it is located in Grand Chute!) My wife is the other half of Dream Builders and Developers. I build the homes, she picks out what goes inside. Our 1904 sq. ft. house has all the ammenities of homes three times it's size...Granite, Corian Tigerwood Hardwood floor, a walk-in shower with dual shower heads and a 50" plasma TV with theater sound system. This is the first time we've built this floor plan, it was designed specifically around the wooded lot with stream, and it turned out very nice.
This showcase is a little different than the Parade of Homes. Attendees get to vote for their favorites in multiple categories, and have a chance at winning a $500 gift certificate if they visit all the homes.

Hours for the Gallery of Homes are:
September 29th - 30th
Saturday & Sunday
October 5th - 7th
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Friday: 4 - 7pm
Tickets $5.00 at the Door and can be purchased at any of the gallery homes. Stop by our home and say you saw it on the blog. A portion of the ticket goes to Habitat for Humanity.