At tonight’s town board meeting I proposed a motion to go ahead with a $4.5 million dollar capped fire station budget. Many residents called and emailed demanding adequate fire protection services. I followed your direction. Supervisors Schowalter and Nooyen also voted in favor of this motion. What does this mean? Grand Chute’s proposed fire station budget is now passed. Grand Chute residents are going to get a fire station that will fulfill our town’s needs for years to come in the most fiscally responsible manner.
I also understand residents’ concerns that the fire station does not exceed the $4.5 million dollar budget. Therefore I made amendments to the motion. They are as follows:
1. All bids submitted to Boldt Construction must be submitted to the Supervisors and be accessible for town review.
2., When construction begins, a weekly project report must be submitted to Supervisors and also posted within the town.
We are now on our way to receiving the safety services our town deserves. Thank you for your support.