Grand Chute residents who rely on the town website for information have noticed minutes were a little slow in posting the last month. Minutes for the March 26 and April 17 meetings are now available. I inquired about the procedure of posting minutes and learned the following:
Minutes cannot be posted on the Grand Chute website until they are approved. Approval of town board minutes is done at the following meeting. Town board meetings are usually every other week (first and third Tuesdays), but in some cases (where there are five Tuesdays in a month)the postings will be delayed an extra week. So April 17 minutes were approved at the May 1 meeting and posted on May 2.
Unfortunately, March 26 minutes were delayed due to problems with transcription equipment and were not able to be approved until the May 1 meeting. Hence, the later posting. The April 4 Annual Meeting minutes have not been approved yet. Understandably, their transcription is a lengthy process. I will relay on my blog when these minutes are posted.
I have been appointed to the town's communication committee. One of the items I will address is a way this information can be relayed to residents in the future. I'd also be interested in knowing what other types of information you'd like to receive from the town.