At the Arbor Day Celebration on April 27, Grand Chute was declared a Tree City USA for the third time. In order for Grand Chute to qualify for Tree City USA designation, we must meet four criteria set forth by the program. The town must have:
Tree Board or Department
Tree Care Ordinance
Community Forestry Program With an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita
An Arbor Day Observance and ProclamationThese are some very real benefits to this distinction, as found on the Tree City USA website:
Provides initial directionThe standards help get our town started toward annual, systematic management of its tree resources.
EducationEducation begins with discussion of the standards. It continues with leads to contacts with the state forester's staff. In turn, this can set in motion aid from a variety of professionals in the form of technical advice, literature, films, and other assistance.
Public ImageBeing a Tree City USA helps present the kind of image that most citizens want to have for the place they live or conduct business. The Tree City USA signs at community entrances tell visitors that here is a community that cares about its environment. It is also an indication to prospective businesses that the quality of life may be better here. It has even been known to be a factor in where meetings or conferences have been held.
Citizen PrideGaining and retaining Tree City USA recognition is an award to the tree workers, managers, volunteers, tree board members and others who work on behalf of better care of a community's trees. Non-involved citizens, too, often share a sense of pride that theirs is a Tree City USA. This may translate to better care of trees on private property or a willingness to volunteer in the future.
Financial AssistancePreference is sometimes given to Tree City USA communities over other communities when allocations of grant money are made for trees or forestry programs.
PublicityPresentation of the Tree City USA award and the celebration of Arbor Day offer excellent publicity opportunities.