November 29, 2010

New Town Web site in the works

The Town will be unveiling a new Web site design before the end of the year. Keep checking and watch for the redesigned site.

November 28, 2010

Free radon kits available to Grand Chute residents

Outagamie County Public Helath Division has free radon test kits available for Grand Chute residents. Radon is a radioactive gas produced naturally by the decay of uranium present in rocks and soil. Radon enters homes through basements, crawl spaces, cracks in basement walls, sum pits and any other void spaces. One in the home, radon has less air to mix with, adn levels begin to rise. Radon is odorless, colorless, tasteless and undetectable by the human senses. It is considered to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, only behind tobacco smoke. The only way to determine if a home has radon is to test for it.

A limited supply of free radon test kits will be available at the Town of Grand Chute Town Hall on December 21, 2010 from 4-6pm. Minimal information from residents will be collected upon receipt of the test kit. Only one test kit will be provided to each person. Informational brochures will be available at the Clerk's office to further explain the risks of radon.

November 27, 2010

Bennigans in Grand Chute donates to Wisconsin Make A Wish

Bennigans in Grand Chute held a Grand Opening in early November. The CEO of Bennigans, along with other corporate staff members from Texas, traveled to Wisconsin to attend the Grand Opening celebration. The CEO stated that Bennigans is opening up new restaurants around the world and Grand Chute was the first choice to try out their new corporate store design. He mentioned factors in the decision were desirable location, good traffic counts near the mall and a highly qualified, trained and dedicated work force in the food service industry. As part of the Grand Opening, Bennigans presented a $5,000 check to the Wisconsin Make a Wish program.

November 26, 2010

Town's Borrowning rate at historic lows

Grand Chute continues to have an excellent credit rating. Moody Investment Services reaffirmed the town's rating as Aa2, almost unheard of! Because the town has such excellent credit, we were able to receive a bond issuance rate of 2.175% from M&I Bank. This is the lowest rate the Town has been able to borrow money at in the last ten years!

November 25, 2010

Appleton Alliance Trail

Have you been able to use the new trail by Appleton Alliance Church? Paving was completed in late October. This affords pedestrians a safe walking path along busy Grand Chute Blvd.

Aerial Maps Updated

The Town has received updated 2010 aerial photos from the county. These were provided at no charge. The photos were taken from flights between March 30th and April 3rd. The new photos are on the Grand Chute town web site. Click "GIS Map" under the first paragraph. Scroll down on the "Layers" drop down menu on the front page and place a checkmark in the "box" next to 2010 Aerial photos. Try another web browser if you don't see sections of the Town on the popup map.

A copy is also printed off and can be viewed in the offices.

November 1, 2010

Voting Information for November 2nd elections

Tomorrow is mid-term Election day, and the following is information about voting in Grand Chute:

You can look up your polling place location here.

Polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2.

You can download a sample ballot here [.pdf]. There is also one posted in the lobby of Town Hall.

You have until 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 28 to make a request to vote absentee by mail. You can print out the application here [.pdf] and mail it to the Town Clerk.
You have until 5 p.m. on Monday, November 1 to vote absentee in person at Town Hall.

You have until 5 p.m. on Monday, November 1 to register in person at Town Hall.
You may also register at the polls on Election Day.
Name and/or address changes require re-registration.