August 9, 2010

Volunteer Opportunities for WestFest

It's easy to sign up and volunteer at this year's WestFest! A new online volunteer schedule is available to users!

Positions open include:

Setting up and taking down booths
Directing visitors and vehicles
Working in the family fun area
Selling tickets and awarding prizes
Selling wristbands and beer
Running errands

Sign up to volunteer online here.

Or contact
Kevin J. Vonck, Volunteer Coordinator
phone: 920-380-2910

August 5, 2010

Examining the Town's financials

Grand Chute is required to have yearly financial audits. Schenck performed last year’s town audit. There were a few changes last year based on the recommendations from Schenck in 2009. The recommendations were to change the sanitary districts into enterprise funds and separate them from the overall budget. This is due to the charges for services (water bill and sewer bill).

This pays the expenses on the water treatment plant and the city of
Appleton for water the town purchases. Separating them gives the town a
better and more isolated grasp on each district .

The town’s general fund decreased from 3,394,427 to 3,271,947 during 2009. At
December 31, 2009, the town's under-designated general fund totaled 1,502,271.
This balance represents approximately 12.3% of the total 2010 budgeted general
fund expenditures. This indicates the general fund is in excellent financial
position as we enter the 2010 fiscal year.

As of December 31, 2009 the town has available financial resources of $7,103,624
with the towns debt service balance totaling 100,914 and a 5,097,297 capitol
project fund totaling 15,659,326 December 31, 2009

The town's water utility district 1 reported a net loss of $763,232 in 2009
compared to a net loss of 442,599 for 2008 this is a direct result of the
increased price in purchased water from the city of Appleton. The district has
applied for a rate increase and was received to take effect towards the end of
the year 2009. As a town resident, you have already seen the increase this
year. It should also be noted the city is expected to continue to raise their
rates to balance off their districts. This will result in the town having to do
the same, to cover the increase. Currently the operating revenue is $3,942,731 in
sanitary district 1 $2,663,601 in sanitary district 2 $1,356,850 in sanitary
district 3 and $24,863 in the east side district. Only Districts 1 and east side
were operating in the red.

Again, the town is in excellent financial position and continues to operate with
one of the top Moody rating of aa2 (highest town rating in the valley). If you
have questions the entire audit can be found at the town hall.

August 2, 2010

Flood Insurance Presentation

Thursday, August 5 at the County Highway Department Meeting Room, 4:pm

Presentation by Gary Heinrichs, Floodplain Planning program Manager, Bureau of Watershed Management, WI DNR. This workshop will include overview of the National Flood Insurance Program. The workshop is FREE and no registration is required.

This is an educational workshops conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  They have developed a new presentation geared toward citizens, local officials and industry professionals interested in the flood insurance program and the new floodplain maps.

The workshop is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th, at the Outagamie County Highway Garage.  Further information can be downloaded here.

National Night Out Tuesday, August 3rd.

This year's National Night Out will be held at Patriot Park. The Event will kick off at 4 PM with a Theda Star landing. Other activities will follow, including a dunk tank, which is new this year. The event lasts until 8 PM.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT is designed to:
  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Town Board meeting date change

This week's Town Board meeting will be on Thursday, August 5th so Board members can attend Tuesday's National Night Out event.