April 27, 2009

Sustainable Communities study circles start tonght

Postings have been kind of sparse lately. I needed a break after the spring election, and my home internet was down for most of last week. But, thanks to the cable guy being willing work on Sundays I'm back online.

Tonight is the beginning of sustainability learning sessions at the Gran Chute Town Hall. I'm posting an email from Leslie Taylor. I won't be able to attend tonight's meeting, I've got a Brewers game I'm attending. But, I hope to see you next Monday.


Hello everyone,

This evening at 7 p.m. at the Grand Chute Town Hall, we'll be having a 1 hour introduction/orientation to the Sustainable Communities study circles. Please come if you can, and also pass this invitation along to others you know who may be interested -- especially others who are residents, municipal employees or business owners in Grand Chute, but everyone is welcome.
After this evening's meeting, the Grand Chute study circle will meet every Monday evening, 7:00 - 8:30, for the next 8 weeks (except Memorial Day). If you are interested in participating but can't do so on Mondays, please let me know and I'll find another circle that works for you.
The discussions are based on the book The Natural Step for Communities: How Cities and Towns Can Change to Sustainable Practices by Sarah James and Torbjorn Lahti. It is available through Appleton Public Library or Conkey's...perhaps Barnes & Noble as well, though I haven't checked on their supply lately.
Great ideas, discussions and new civic engagement and friendships have emerged from the other study circles taking place in the Fox Valley. I look forward to seeing you there and to seeing what we can get going in Grand Chute!

Leslie Taylor

April 9, 2009

Let's Play Ball!

I admit it, I'm a baseball fan... a Brewers fan, to be exact. Season tickets to the Brewers ranks up in the top five of all Christmas gifts. I've noticed a surge of interest in the Brewers and have suddenly become very popular this year, after people find out I have tickets. So, hearing that the Timber Rattlers were partnering as the Brewers minor league team, well that was a great day. I'm planning on supplementing Milwaukee games with baseball right here in Grand Chute!

In honor of the Timber Rattlers home opener today (which I won't be attending, due to the Board Meeting...bummer) I am linking to another blog site called Wisconsinology. The author talks about his experiences designing the Timber Rattlers logo back when the club started up. It's a fun site that explores other Wisconsin phenomena as well.

April 9th Town Board meeting agenda

Elections were held on Tuesday, the normal day for Town Board meetings. Because of this, the regular Town Board meeting has been rescheduled for tonight. The agenda for the April 9th Town Board meeting is available for viewing and download.

April 8, 2009

Thank you Grand Chute

I want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone that helped during my re-election campaign. I appreciated the support via phone calls, emails and going door to door. I'm looking forward to being a voice for Grand Chute residents over the next two years and will continue connecting with you over the Internet!

April 1, 2009

April 1st Police Advisory meeting agenda

The agenda for tonight's Citizen Police Advisory Committee meeting is as follows:




C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approval of the January 27, 2009
meeting minutes.

a. Appleton/Grand Chute Staffing Report and 2009 Salary Comparisons

E. Other matters, questions, discussions.